Saturday, June 3, 2023

Day 29 - Chillicothe, MO to Kirksville, MO - 76 miles - 4,885 feet of climbing - 4:54 hours in the saddle

Today’s topics are flowers and rolling hills.  After yesterday’s tiring ride, I took my time to smell the roses/wildflowers/weeds until SAG 1 at 26 miles.  Here are a few flower pics from the road today.


SAG 1 was at a gas station/convenience store, which gives us access to restrooms.  Usually by SAG 1 I have caught up to some of the group that departs at 7:00 (vs 7:30 when I depart).  We refill our water bottles, eat some food and get back on the road.  I typically don’t stay too long (maybe 15 minutes) at SAG 1, especially as the days are getting hotter and more humid.

After SAG 1 is where the “rolling” hills began.  Crossroad’s lore has it that there are 140 of these rolling hills.  The game plan for the rolling hills was to practice the “momentum” approach.  That is where you barrel down the hill as fast as you can (for me that was 26 - 32 mph) in hopes of pedaling/coasting over the crest of the uphill side. On the downhill I would have my gears in the big chainring in the front and the small cog on the cassette in the rear.  That is the hardest gear to pedal.  Well, I would make it about 75% up the uphill, before I quickly shifted to the small chainring in the front and one of the largest cogs on the cassette in the rear.  That is the easiest gear to pedal.  With heart pumping and legs spinning, I would crest the hill and do it all over again 139 more times!  The momentum approach was completely successful for me only a handful of times.

I spent a while today contemplating the pros and cons of light roads and dark roads.  The light reflect the heat and the dark radiate the heat.  My vote was for the light roads!

SAG 2 was at a family farm, where we sprawled under some massive shade trees.  Preparing for the last 22 miles, I opted for the ice sock down the back, which made a huge difference.

The last 22 miles included more nasty rollers, some of which included 13 percent grade (really steep).  But it wasn’t all bad as I saw a horse who indicated with their tail, approval of my handlebar moustache!

Got into Kirksville about 1:30 and treated myself to a chocolate milkshake.

Tomorrow we cross the Mississippi River into Illinois, my home state.

Savor the Journey // Achieve the Goal

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